Exams & Assessments

Exams and Assessments

Be prepared for all aspects of taking examinations, including timetables, attendance and conduct.

Exam timetables

Your exam timetable will include: Date and time, venue, type of exam and will be displayed here before every Exam.

Prepare for your exams

Make sure you have everything in place to maximise your opportunity for success and avoid any additional stress. You can also find support from Counselling Committee.

If you need further support, it may also be possible to organise examination adjustments. You can also find past examination papers and additional study spaces to help with your exam preparation.

Conduct in examinations

All examinations are conducted under HSE regulations, and a breach of these will be considered as grounds for academic misconduct which may include the termination of a year program of studies.


Failure to attend an examination on the given date will be regarded as a non-attendance and, in the absence of extenuating circumstances, a zero mark will be awarded.

If you are unable to take the exam due to sickness or other extenuating circumstances, notification on or prior to the day is required. As soon as you are aware of any difficulty in attending an examination you should contact your DCO. Please note that you will be required to complete the application for extenuating circumstances and provide documentary evidence in support of your claim as soon as possible and no later than five working days after the examination.

If you have applied for extenuating circumstances prior to an examination which are deemed valid and subsequently decide to sit the examination, your paper will not be marked.

Exam results and re-assessments

Once you have taken your exams, find out when you can expect your results.
If you need to take a re-assessment, find out what is involved or find out how our compensation procedure works.

There are several types of assessment that are used at the College and these differ between program and modules.

Types of assessment


Essays, seminar performance, individual and group projects, presentations, practicals and labs.

In-semester tests

Written and timed assessments designed to provide an evaluation of your understanding at that point in the module. These are held during the semester.


Written or computer based, take place during exam weeks towards the end of each semester.

What is academic integrity?

Academic integrity is fundamental to every aspect of learning and teaching at the college and is based on the following values:

  • Honesty
  • Trust
  • Fairness
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Courage
What is academic misconduct?

It is unacceptable to the college that any student should engage in practices and actions that undermine academic integrity or cheat in order to gain an unfair advantage. This constitutes academic misconduct.

Further information on the practices and actions that constitute academic misconduct together with the penalties for those found guilty can be found in the TLH Student Hand Book.